A brand new iPad Air exploded in flames in an Australian Vodaphone store. The explosion was so severe that the fire brigade has to be called as fumes keeps bursting out from the device.

The staff also has to be evacuated.

The burned iPad Air, which caused an Australian store to be evacuated when it burst into flames

The burned iPad Air, which caused an Australian store to be evacuated when it burst into flames


There have been several reports of iPhones exploding and injuring people, but this is the first known incident involving an iPad.

The iPad Air launched in May this year and is lighter than previous Apple tablet models


A Vodafone spokesperson said a ‘burst of flames’ originates from the charging port of the iPad Air.

The iPad Air image has been totally destroyed by this mishap. It is not known what caused the extreme heat. Apple hasn’t commented about this issue.

So what do you think could be the cause of the fire?

