Broadcom hostile bid for Qualcomm for $103 billion

It is now official Broadcom is offering $60 a share + $10 broadcom share for take over of QualComm. This seems like a hostile takeover as Qualcomm has been in a squabble with Apple for some time and this. This has dragged down Qualcomm’s share price to $50 odd dollars for the past quarters.

While mamjor share holders feel that there is more value in Qualcomm as most tech stocks has doubled in pricing. It remains unclear if they wish to continue to hold on for another 18 months before it is clear if the deal is done. There is also the NXP factor which remains a question mark.

It might also take up to 18 months to clear with anti trust laws and other pending issues. Would it be good to wait it out for the dividends or just sell it off and buy into Broadcom instead ?
