CelcomDigi, one of the biggest telecommunication companies in Malaysia, has recently made an announcement that they are terminating their respective agreements with DNB, the wholesale 5G network in the country. It seems like the company is more interested in having their own 5G network that is independent of DNB.
The Malaysian government made an announcement on Wednesday that prompted CelcomDigi to disclose their decision to shareholders via a statement to Bursa Malaysia. Both Digi Telecommunications and Celcom Mobile have decided to terminate their respective SSAs signed in November 2022 with DNB, effective from 3rd May 2023.
In their statement, CelcomDigi expressed their enthusiasm for taking a more active and direct role in the implementation of 5G in the country. They believe that by leveraging their experience, resources, existing widest 4G network, supply chain, and partner ecosystem, they can help support the government’s 5G ambitions. The group stated that they are committed to bringing the best 5G solutions and offerings to Malaysian consumers and businesses.
This announcement comes as a surprise to many in the industry, especially since CelcomDigi had initially signed up to be a customer of DNB’s wholesale 5G network. However, this move also signals the company’s ambition to have greater control over their own network infrastructure and 5G deployment strategy.
Overall, it will be interesting to see how CelcomDigi’s decision plays out and what impact it will have on the broader 5G landscape in Malaysia. With the company’s vast resources and experience in the telecommunications industry, they may be able to offer innovative and competitive 5G solutions to Malaysian consumers and businesses.