Street Fighter IV benchmarks on ASUS ENGTX460 768MB  

Street Fighter IV benchmark is tested on the same card in 4 ways. The first is default, then overclock. The third is using 16xAF+32xAA set within Forceware driver and the 4th set is based on custom AA/AF within the application. In this case, it is run at AA=C16xQ.  

The benchmark is run at 1920×1080 with Vsync off. The card scores 19259 and 19965 when overclocked, registering a 3.66% increase. As we can see from the chart, applying full AA/AF in Forceware doesnt seem to be able to override the settigns within the application, the score is not that far off from default. We decided to set the AA within the application (AA=C16xQ) and it scores 9163, almost half of the original default setting.  

