Antutu, PCMark and Speedtest benchmarks


Benchmarks of Pixel 3a

Antutu Benchmark

In Antutu, the device is ranked  number 45, in between Mi 8 SE (Snapdragon 712), Honor 10 (Kirin 970) and OPPO F11 Pro (Helio P70). Although all these processors including the Snapdraon  670 are not the fastest, the software that runs on it are optimized and run very smoothly on the Pixel 3a.

PCMARK results

PCMark 2.0 scores 7423 which is on par with the Google Pixel 2 XL, Samsung Galaxy A70 according to PC Mark ranking services.


Speedtest, Fast Benchmark, Network Cell Info

Using Starhub’s giga+ SIM, the phone is tested for signal and speed.

Depending on locations, the signal strength will vary. In town area on within MRT stations, the signal are exceptionally strong.  In terms of speed, we are able to get around 139 Mbps using Speedtest and 120 Mbps for Netflix fast benchmark test.

This are very good results considering that the mvno is pretty new. 


By Harry