The upcoming AMD Ryzen processor is making ripples in the industry. It is revealed during a paper at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference that AMD’s upcoming Ryzen CPU will occupy less space and offer twice the amount of cache of Intel’s 6th-generation CPU. There will also be a quad core available.
It is mentioned that a Ryzen processor built using 14nm processor will be 10% smaller to a comparable Skylake CPU built on 14nm. Not only that it will include double the cache with a better graphics core.

It looks like there will be more good news in the pipeline for AMD as more will be disclosed about it’s upcoming slate of processors featuring probably 6 cores clocking at 3.4GHz. We shall have to wait till the official launch later next month to see how the new AMD Rzyen will fare in it’s performance against the Intel processors.
At the mean time, it is said Intel is introducing newer processors to counter AMD Ryzen. We will just wait and see if AMD give Intel a run of it’s money. At the end of the day, consumers will definitely welcome the old friend that give a competitive edge in terms of price/performance ratio.