Today, ASUS introduced the next generation Transformer Book V which can run both Windows and Android Operating System.

The Transformer Book V design methodology is very similar to PadFone Tablet, It has a 5″ Smartphone and a 12.5″ tablet combination. It also has a keyboard, allowing users to have another choice for text input.

因為搭載了 Windows(Windows 8.1)  與 Android (4.4 KitKat)雙作業系統,讓 Transformer Book V 可以在五種模式下使用:Windows 筆電、Android 筆電、Windows平板、Android 平板與 Android 智慧型手機。處理核心部分仍然採用 Intel 的 Atom 平台,但是華碩並未詳細說明是由單獨一顆 Atom 或是手機平板處理器分開的形式設計。

In addition, ASUS also introduced the  Transformer Book T300 Chi. It is the slimmest 12.5″ tablet in the market with a thckness of only 7.3mm. It comes with 4G LTE and has a  2560 x 1440 WQHD IPS screen. The processor is not mentioned but just indicated to be the next generation Intel Core low powered processor.