Alexa ranking is a service by Amazon that ranks websites based on ‘popularity’. You might ask, why is it in quotes ? The simple reason is that it’s accuracy is very subjective and can be somewhat manipulated.Google Pagerank has been always the authority in determining how well a site should be indexed. If you take a look at the PageRank status of a site versus it’s Alexa rank. You will be surprised that some has PR5 or PR6 but their Alexa Ranking is below 500,000.Marketers has been misled in a way. No site would reveal their statistics in public. If a site never install any tracking code on their site, how would Amazon actually give it a score. Give it a thought.
In fact, according to Alexa’s website, the Alexa ranking only tracks users that have installed the Alexa Toolbar and visited that site of interest. You can download and install it and you will be surprised that some 5 pages website in some third world country has a rank of 5000 in the world.Nevertheless, it is still an indicator if an only if all your visitors uses the Alexa toolbar, otherwise it is epic fail.So how do you boost your Alexa ranking ? Here are some white hat techniques that will help not only your Alexa but your Google indexing (traffic)
Step 1: Install the Alexa Toolbar on your Web Browser The Alexa toolbar tracks visitors and pageviews for every ranked website. Download the toolbar and Alexa will start tracking every website you visit. Your Alexa rank will increase because you must visit your website often to write new content, make changes and respond to comments. This is the quickest way to boost Alexa rank for free.
Step 2: Add the Alexa Widget to Your Website Not every visitor to your site will have the toolbar installed, but you can overcome this by adding the Alexa widget to your website. Simply grab the code here or install the Alexa Rank Plugin if you use WordPress.
Step 3: Update Your Website Regularly You need lots of repeat traffic to improve Alexa rankings so update your website on a regular basis. It should be updated every 1 day at least. One thing important is that you ought to have a proper sitemap to get your contents indexed and searched easily.
Step 4: Sharing on Social Media Facebook is the #1 social media referring website so you need to focus your efforts on driving lots of Facebook Traffic. If you use Facebook, you can install a plugin to allow users to click and share your contents on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Digg etc.
Step 5: Focus Your Efforts on Viral Content After you implement these few steps, you would see a difference in the Alexa Ranking. Go back to Step 3 and continue doing so and that should get more visitors and improve both Alexa and traffic.
Download the Alexa Toolbar