This morning at around 5am, Reuters published an article which shocked most Huawei mobile customers across the globe.
Just 30 minutes ago, Huawei posted on it’s Facebook page and clarify it’s stand on the matter.

It is said that Huawei will continue to provide security updates and after sales to existing Huawei and Honor smartphone and tablet that has been sold or in stock globally.
Nothing is mentioned about the future of upgrades of to Android Q. It is also not known that will they replace the Google App Store with the AppGallery which co-exist on Huawei phones right now.
Questions remain whether the upcoming launch of Honor 20. Will it continue to use Android 9.0 or they are ready to use their own in house OS rumoured Hong Meng. ( 鸿蒙 ) which started development in 2012 as a plan B in case they no longer licensed to use Google Android or Windows Mobile.
defintiion of 鸿蒙 据了解,鸿蒙,道教神话传说的远古时代,传说盘古在昆仑山开天辟地之前,世界是一团混沌的元气,这种自然的元气叫做鸿蒙,因此把那个时代称作鸿蒙时代,后来此一词也常被用来泛指称远古时代。四大名著《西游记》第一回中,也有“自从盘古破鸿蒙,开辟从兹清浊辨”的描述。