Intel plans to cut thousand of jobs

Intel plans to cut job across business units this Spring according to multiple sources inside the company.

Some business units might reduce by double digit percentages. The first cut could begin after the next financiai results are released.

This cut is foreseeable as Intel is fighting the decline in PC sales as smartphones and tablets are eroding the PC sales powered by their processors.

Furthermore, to end users the new generation of processors did not give much performance advantages over the previous. There is no reason for one to upgrade and keep changing processors year after year.

Although PC sales have slumped, Intel is enjoying top end highly profitable processors for workstations and servers.

Rival processor maker AMD is probably worse off and the only processor is the ZEN which is scheduled for end 2016.

The PC market has shined for the past 2 decades and is it a time for it’s demise ? What is your say ?

Ref : Oregon Live