M1 introduces upsized data plans for an additional of $5.90 per month #ITSHOW2016

M1 Upsized Plans

It is quite surprising that both SIngtel (DATAX2 plans) and M1 are providing upsized data add ons for the same price of S$5.90/mth

Upsize your data now and enjoy up to an extra 12GB for just $5.90 per month!

Voice/Video Calls (mins) 200 300 400 800 Unlimited
SMS/MMS 1000 1200 1500 2000 5000
Data 3GB 4GB 5GB 7GB 13GB
Upsized Data
Monthly Subscription
+ $5.90 + $5.90 + $5.90 + $5.90 + $5.90
Upsized Data + 2GB + 3GB + 4GB + 6GB + 12GB
Total Data 5GB 7GB 9GB 13GB 25GB

Upsized Data is available only at point of new line sign-up or re-contract on eligible Data Bundled mobile plans with
2-year handset contract. For Upsized Data sign-ups from 10 to 31 March 2016, the Upsized Data bundle will be available for use and billed from 1 April 2016.

Upsized Data is available at IT Show, M1 Shops and Exclusive Distributors.


Singtel’s DATAX2 pricings:


DataX2 is priced at a flat rate. So whether you’re on Combo 2 with 2GB of data, or Combo 12 with 12GB of data, it still just cost $5.90 to double it.

Combo 1 Combo 2 Combo 3 Combo 4 Combo 6 Combo 12
Combo Plan monthly subscription $27.90 $42.90 $62.90 $82.90 $102.90 $239.90
Minutes 100 200 300 400 700 Unlimited
SMS 500 1000 1200 1300 1500 Unlimited
Data 100MB 2GB 3GB 4GB 6GB 12GB
DataX2 monthly subscription N.A. $5.90 $5.90 $5.90 $5.90 $5.90
DataX2 N.A. 2GB 3GB 4GB 6GB 12GB
Total Data 100MB 4GB 6GB 8GB 12GB 24GB


Singtel DATAX2 plans