M1 has officially replied to our query regarding to allegations that customers data are provided to an external company. Below is their response:

“We understand that some of our customers have received letters from Dallas Buyers Club LLC concerning copyrights in the film Dallas Buyers Club.

As a responsible internet service provider, M1 takes the confidentiality of our customers’ personal data very seriously and ensures that we comply with all relevant privacy requirements including the Personal Data Protection Act. Accordingly, we would not freely or voluntarily share our customers’ personal data with a copyright owner without our customers’ consent, unless compelled to do so through a Court Order.

In this case, M1 did not provide any personal data of the affected customers to Dallas Buyers Club LLC when it first requested for the information. Dallas Buyers Club LLC subsequently applied for a hearing at the High Court. A hearing was held in January 2015, attended by solicitors for both Dallas Buyers Club LLC and M1. After hearing the parties, the Assistant Registrar of the High Court granted an Order compelling M1 to disclose the names, NRIC numbers and physical addresses of the affected customers to Dallas Buyers Club LLC. M1 has accordingly complied with this Order.”