Pokemon Go is the latest game that took the world by storm. You can see youngsters or adults staring at their mobile screen, walking like a zombie trying to catch rare high CP (combat power) pokemon ghosts in the Lunar month of the Ghost Festival. Hot spots reported are Hougang Blk 401 and Vivocity.

This game makes one lose concentration and players are easily distracted. There were reported cases of accident overseas and players ought to be careful. Accidents can happen if players jaywalk or do not abide by traffic rules.


Safety aside, this craze has brought masses out in the streets at nearby shopping malls as the mall management use LURES to ‘generate’ more pokemons for players to capture. These greatly benefited the food and drinking stalls but it might not be so for the rest of the retail businesses downtown.

The transport industry is benefiting as players engaged UberTaxi or GrabTaxi by sharing with friends to hunt down pokemons. Such companies even comes out with Pokemon maps for their customers to hunt down rare species. Likewise, you also see crowds in buses playing the game especially when it plys along Orchard Road where there are plenty of Pokestops and Pokemons along the street.

Telcos will also benefit from this craze as mobile data usage will spike up. With the higher data required, it is expected that the 3 local telcos will benefit and will supports the stocks prices of Singtel, Starhub and M1 in the coming quarters.

The craze has also brought down servers as it can’t accomodate the high influx of players.


So, how many pokemons with high CP have you captured so far ?



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