Singtel and a joint venture of M1/Starhub won the licenses to operate a country wide 3.5 GHz 5 GHz network today.

TPG which submitted a bid and wasn’t able to compete against the incumbents.

The IMDA also requires holders of the nationwide licences to offer wholesale leasing. That is to say, we should be expecting some sort of a MVNO in the future just like what is happening to the 4G network today.

The 3 companies will also be allocated the millimetre wave spectrum for localised networks. e.g. 26 GHz or 28 GHz spectrum.

The three telcos each get millimetre-wave spectrum as well, which can be used for smaller, localised networks. Similar awards could be made to other players in future.

The winners will deply their network from Jan 2021 and must complete at least half by 2022. Full coverage must be achieved by end-2025.

Will you go for the 5G network when it is available ? What do you think will be the price plans for 5G ?

Nation wide : 3400 – 3650 MHz (3.5 GHz)
Localised 24.25 – 27.5 GHz (26 GHz)
Localised 27.5 – 29.5 GHz (28 GHz)