Malaysia’s U mobile just launched an aggressive plan for the data hoggers. U Postpaid 98 plan comes with 1 TB of 5G data and unlimited voice calls. There is also a 15GB free global roaming per month in 63 destinations and incoming calls when abroad. It is priced at RM 98/mth (~S$30.63).

There is also the U Postpaid 68 plan which is priced at RM 68/mth (~S$21.25).It comes with 100 GB of data, 15 GB data roaming and unlimited calls and free incoming calls while roaming.

In case you are not aware, Singapore’s Straits Mobile Investments is U Mobile’s biggest shareholder with 35 per cent stake, according to the company registry. Temasek Holdings, Singapore’s state investment firm, holds Straits Mobile through a unit.

Singapore telcos should reduce their pricing. If they can provide 1 TB of data per mth and 15 GB free data roam for merely S$30 per mth in Malaysia, they shouldn’t be charging so high for 5G access in Singapore.