

Google’s AI building blocks, platform and solutions discussed at Google AI Master Class
11 Sept 2018

AI as a science has been around for decades. We heard a lot about it and wondered if it is only restricted to data scientists to be able to make full use of AI in helping the world, innovate and solve real world problems which is scalable.

In our last article, we already saw that AI is used medical science in retina screening and has been pretty successful. It is also used in agriculture to identify the good or bad crops by classification.

So, who can really develop such solutions? The data scientists definitely can do it but to understand the nifty gritty details about neural networks or classification might be too steep to comprehend for the million of software developers out there.

Mr. Oyvind Roti, Google gave us a run down of the building blocks and solutions that can help AI available to everyone, making it easy, fast and useful for developers and users to work gain access and build on existing ones without knowing the underlying complexities. Developers can come out with software solutions with API calls which return the results and can be presented for analysis.

To date, there are 14 thousand paying customers like box, GIPHY, Rolls Royce using the Google AI platform.