Intel Smart Response Technology tested using PC MARK Vantage

In our test platform, we used the Core i5-2500K processor with 2x2GB Kingston running at DDR3-1866 C7-8-7-20-1T. The HDD we used is an old Seagate 7200.7 SATA 1.5G 160GB and the Kingston SSDNOw 64GB V Series SSD drive.

The first test is done the HDD. The second test is done with ISRT configured and enabled with a Kingston SSDNow 64GB V series SSD.

From the results below, we can see that the PC Mark Vantage HDD test suite, the ASUS P8Z68-V Pro only gets 2914 marks but it scaled well to 13040 marks when ISRT is enabled. The system also perform better in terms of benchmarks against the ASRock Z68 Extreme4 when ISRT is enabled.
