In our previous report about ASUS CEO apologizing to consumers in Taiwan, we have learnt that they have reduced the ZenFone 5 and 6 by NT 500 to NT 3990 and NT 4990.

According to the press release by ASUS Singapore, the pricing of the ZenFone 5 is SGD 199 (pre order) and SGD 249 thereafter. If we do a simple calculation using the Yahoo exchange rate of  1 SGD= 24.12 NT. Singapore’s version of the ZenFone 5 will be priced at NT4799 (199 x 24.12) for preorder and thereafter NT 6005.88 (249 x 24.12).

Singapore consumers will be paying more than their Taiwanese counterparts by almost NT 809 or SGD 33 (pre order) and NT 2015 or SGD 83 there after.

The press release did not mention if the price is inclusive of a 7% GST. If you were to include a 7%, it will be priced at  SGD 212 (pre-order) and SGD 266 there after.


zenfone pricing