MVNOs seem to be popping out almost every few months. While some are mass market, some goes for niche market. For example, RedONE targets travellers between Singapore and Malaysia.
China Mobile MVNO is now available in Singapore. It offers non contractual plans. The 4 plans are convenient for those who travel between Singapore, Hong Kong and China. Some interesting features include linking numbers for free SMS forwarding and calling China at local call rates. You can also share the allocated data in Singapore, mainland China and Hong Kong without roaming charges
Existing Singapore postpaid numbers can be ported over by subscribing to over the portal.
It currently offer 4 plans. A S$15/mth for 5 GB/mth with 100 mins, $30/mth for 20 GB with 300 minutes of calls, a $50/mth for 40 GB with 300 minutes of calls and a $70/mth for 60 GB of data with 300 minutes of calls.

Registration can be done online for a new number of porting in from exsiting telco/mvnos. New numbers begins from 8941xxxx and there is no delivery fee.
Excess Data will have to be bought through add-on from it’s portal. Excess SMS or local call minutes (or calls to China) will be charged at 10 cents / min.
The roaming charges are similar to Singtel’s offering. e.g. 1 GB 7 days for Malaysia, Thailand or Indonesia is at S$5. 9 Destination 30 day 1 GB data at S$12, 16 Destinations 30 days 2 GB data at S$20 and 79 Destinations 30 Days 3 GB data at S$40.
All plans or add ons are activated through SMS to 75086. If our guess is correct, this new MVNO runs on Singtel.