Circles.Life is now offering eSIMs for iOS and Android.
That means you no longer need a physical SIM. That has been what a lot of you have been waiting for. You can also run two networks, Circles in eSIM and free up the extra SIM slot for another telco.

(1) Users no longer have to receive a physical SIM
(2) Users can seamlessly toggle between their first sim and their eSIM
(3) Users can activate their eSIMs instantly
(4) The first 1,000 users to sign up to get an additional 20GB of data
What’s really exciting about this launch is that users can get their ID verified via Facial recognition or MyInfo, making it a 100% virtual option for customers amid COVID-19 and social distancing measures. Users do not need to have a Circles.Life physical SIM card and can utilize the eSIM alongside another telco. Customers can also opt to entirely forgo the use of a physical SIM card and use the eSIM.
New and existing customers can purchase the eSIM for selected iOS and android devices, or sync it with
wearable devices. New users do not need to have a Circles.Life physical SIM to activate their eSIMs. In
fact, they don’t need a physical SIM at all. Circles.Life eSIMs are compatible with any existing physical SIM
or can be used to activate a phone line on a new device that does not already have an existing physical
SIM. The best part – users can have their eSIM verified and ready for use in as few as three minutes.