It looks like Circles.Life has 5G support without needing to subscribe to VAS.

According to their blog, they mentioned the following (see attachment).

Image may contain: text that says "1. 5G NETWORK SUPPORTED (AND WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW) The iPhone 12 is the first series of iPhones that support 5G. You'll get the full benefits of this incredibly new network as it rolls out your phone. slowly over the next few years even if you choose not to upgrade All major telcos in Singapore have already started their plans for 5G. But since Circles.Life is tapping on Mi's network, here's what we can expect in terms of speed according to their FAQ: Theoretical Downlink Throughput: 1Gbps"

Furthermore, we have confirmation that some Circles.Life users on iPhone 12 are getting 5G signal. They are able to get speedtest speeds of 200 Mbps in some areas.

We have asked Circles.Life but they did not say if 5G is officially supported on their network (which rides on M1).