
Picture courtesy of WCFTech

Computex is a time to showcase some of the new and upcoming products. From what we gathered, mainboard manufacturers are ready to display their latest product line. Desktop DIY users would know that the latest processors that were promised were delayed. The Broadwell processors with the Z97 and H97 will surely something to be expected. Manufacturers have been providing BIOS updates to their range of Z97 and H97 boards to support this low power 14nm processor.

Although the performance factor might not come into play, mainboard manufacturers will probably be trumpeting about their support of USB 3.1 Type C connectivity on their boards. From our sources, the current batch of products will most likely feature the ASmedia chipset which is probably the first to ship. Current peripherals are quite limited.

The Skylake might get an early exposure during the trade show in the form of static display. The newer chipset and newer platform promises better speed and power savings compared to the predecessor. It will be again a change of socket type and processor.

So, for the upgraders, most will be eyeing the Skylake as it is going to be launched just a couple of months after Broadwell.  You will need to change the board to a Z170 or H170 chipset. The socket type is also different LGA1151 and supports both DDR3 or DDR4. From our sources, the Skylake platform is scheduled for a launch in as early as Aug 2015 but that is subjected to changes. It all depends on market demand and supply. We suspect it might be pushed back to Oct, just in time for the year end sales.


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