Google Maps 4.1.1 has surfaced on Android Marketplace. This new version supports the Google Navigation (beta).  Do try it out and let us know if it works for you.

Some new features include
– Swipe to move to the next result.
– Switch accounts.

Also include
– My location
– Business listings
– Directions
– Traffic
– Street View
– Latitude
– Layers
– Navigation (beta)
– Search by Voice


4 thoughts on “Google Maps 4.1.1 supports Google Maps Navigation (beta); available for download”
  1. i like your writing style, very easy to understand. i will look foward your next post, keep it up.

  2. Since Droid was updated to 2.1, all GPS functions are extremely slow or do not function at all…… New Google Maps update compounds problem. Have been attempting to uninstall now for five minutes. Unsuccessful……..

  3. Navigation is only available for US addresses and not for asia-based addressed, functions such as search by voice, buzz layer are not available at least in Singapore

    1. You are right. you can try two US addresses.
      As Google is making available this update on the marketplace, it is a safe bet that ti will be introduced outside US real soon.

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