M1 launches 10Gbps fibre broadband service
Fastest broadband service on the national fibre network will deliver high-performance enterprise connectivity

SINGAPORE, 5 May 2014 – M1 Limited (M1) today announced the launch of its 10Gbps enterprise broadband service.

The service, the fastest available on Singapore’s national fibre network, is designed to meet the needs of enterprises with high-bandwidth demands such as data centres, financial institutions, carriers or cloud service providers.

“A reliable high speed broadband connection is critical in today’s highly-networked world, enabling enterprises to do real-time backup of important business data as well as for their business continuity and disaster recovery purposes. Our 10Gbps service is designed to meet these demanding requirements, with dedicated bandwidth, technical support and service level agreements,” said Mr Willis Sim, Director, Product Development and Enterprises Services, M1.

Alongside Singapore’s fastest fibre service, M1 is also introducing a competitively-priced 1Gbps service for SMEs.

“M1’s 1Gbps service will deliver a significant increase in access speed to our SME customers, at the same price as their legacy connectivity service,” said Mr Sim.
Both services are available immediately, nationwide. In addition to connectivity solutions, M1 offers an extensive suite of mobile and fixed enterprise services, managed services and data centre services. M1 also offers enterprise Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions in areas such as storage, accounting and human resources.