Are you ready for Xmas shopping but you are worried about privacy issues of these gadgets ? Mozilla, the company that builds Firefox has compiled a list of products that are labelled “Privacy not included” for the consumer to make better choices. Here is what they said :
Mozilla’s *Privacy Not Included buyer’s guide now comes with *Privacy Not Included warning labels on products we think consumers should think twice about before buying. It’s no small thing to assign such a label to a product, so we set ourselves some strict standards. If we can’t confirm a product meets our Minimum Security Standards it automatically earns the label. We also factor in if a product shares or sells your data, doesn’t let you delete your data, or if the company has a poor track record of protecting their users’ data into our decision to assign these warning labels. We hope users will find these warnings useful. We also include a Best Of category now to showcase companies who are doing privacy and security right.

Some of the popular products are in the list and they include the Dyson Pure Cool, Huawei Smart Watch E5.
The whole list is accessible at
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