Photo shots

Realme 6 Pro provides wideangle and digital zoom of up to 20X. Below is a short video which shows how far we can capture using the wide angle and Digital zoom.

Realme 6 Pro is priced at S$499 and is available on Lazada store.

Compared to the other phones which uses Digital zoom, the realme 6 Pro seems to do a rather good job even for nigh scenes. As we can see from the shots, anything that is zoom beyond 5X is blurry. We must set the expectations right and if you really want something that works well, check out the Oppo Reno 10X zoom.

64 megapixel vs 12 megapixel

Shot with 12 Megapixel and cropped 1:1 ratio
Same picture shot in 64 Megapixel mode cropped 1:1 ratio

Very apparent, shooting the same flower in 12 megapixel and 64 megapixel shows a difference of the details captured.