SIMBA just revealed at FY22 AGM that they have achieved > 30% 5G coverage in Dec 2022. From the speed of enabling 5G sites, SIMBA should be able to achieve the 60% much earlier than the end of calendar yr 2023.

*IMDA guideline is to have 60% by end of 2023 and 95% by end of 2026.

Subscribers as of end Oct 2022 at ~640,000 and ARPU at Q1 FY23 at $9.21 (FY22 at $9.19).

Eastern parts of Singapore are probably 5G enabled. I think SIMBA will announce their 5G plans next year. Judging by the speed, it should most likely be 1st or 2nd Quarter of 2023.

At the moment it is the 5G is a NSA network. It might have to swtich entirely to 5G SA in future. There are no mentioning of mmwave deployment too.