Today, 10 Jan 2020, TPG surprised many by posting a teaser post of it’s impending launch of it’s plan.

This came as a surprise as TPG posted some days ago that they are continuing the trial with no end date in sight.

According to the post, it revealed that they are planning to launch a new product which will be available for purchase soon.

It is indicated that the new product will include a massive data bundle which may suit your usage pattern better if you find the service trial a little limiting. This is really intriguing. Does that mean they intend to follow the rest of the players by launching a 40 GB per month and perhaps unlimited data at 1 Mbps? The current trial plan comes with a 2 GB per day with unlimited 1 Mbps there after which resets every midnight.

To date, voice calls to ported fixed line still do not work. There is also no coverage within MRT tunnels. TPG does have it’s strong points and that include free data roaming in Malaysia, Indonesia, India and Philippines (to be announced later).

Do you think TPG will launch a $20 to $25 range plan with 40 GB to 50 GB to compete with the other players ? Could TPG launch a cheap $10 plan with the same configuration like the trial plan ?

Comment below.