While looking through the forums, we came across this post by a forum poster. He questioned why is it that his old system can be run Windows 8 but when he tries to upgrade to Windows 8.1, the system denies him with the message “CPU did not meet the minimum requirements. Specifically the CPU needed to support NX, PAE and SSE2.”.

So, even though your system runs under Windows 8 Pro, it might not under Windows 8.1

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6 thoughts on “Windows 8.1 is incompatible with older processors and boards”
  1. You have seious problems with your forums not letting people post.

    Also, I highly doubt this is true. If it was then they would owe many refunds to people who already bought Windows 8.0. It would also be all over the news.

    1. You have to be registered as a user first before u can post in the forum. That is a standard practice among sites.

    2. I’m the original poster and I can tell you that its all true.
      All of the information needed is in the forum posts.
      Basically if I want to upgrade to Win 8.1, I will have to down grade my Win 8 Pro 64 bit to Win 8.1 32bit loosing 1gb of my 4gb total ram in the process.
      Bloody MS changing the hardware requirements between what is quite frankly nothing more than a service pack.

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