Joining ZYM & VIVIFI, Zero1 is also offering 100 GB (90 days) of free data roaming in Malaysia.
The three plans are 4G Prime, 4G Plus FE, Starter 4G Plus. Sign up by 28 February 2025 and get FREE 100GB of Malaysia data roaming for 90 days.
The Starter 4G Plus s priced at $7.06 and it is one of the most competitive plans among all telcos. The more expensive 4G Prime plan offers a much larger data allocation of 328 GB at S$12 whereas the 4G Plus FE offers just 228 GB local data. All plans comes with 5G access for 3 months.

#zero1 #zero1100GBmalaysiaroam, #4G Prime, #4G Plus FE, #Starter 4G Plus