Nexus One has gotten the Froyo OTA but those who has not. Here’s how.

To install simply do the following:

I. Before You Begin
  1. Your Nexus One MUST NOT BE ROOTED.
II. How To Flash Froyo
  1. Download the update
  2. Rename the .zip file to update.
  3. Save it to the root of your SD card (not in any folders, just on the SD card itself).
  4. Turn off your phone then turn it back on by holding down power and volume down until the skateboarding androids come up.
  5. Then hit volume down to highlight recovery. Then hit power to select it.
  6. When the ! screen comes up, hit power and volume up at the same time until you get a menu.
  7. Select Apply using the trackball and wait for it to flash. Then reboot.
Your Froyo should look like the one in this video courtesy of phonescoop

5 thoughts on “Android Froyo 2.2 Manual Update for Nexus One”
  1. Nice insightful article. Never thought that it was this easy after all. I had used a lot deal of my time looking for some great mind to explain this subject clearly to me and you are the only one that ever did that. Kudos to you! Keep it up.

  2. I believe what Prathamesh wanted to say is: If we follow the same procedure on another android device, (like Motorola Milestone), is it going to work? or will it brick the phone?

  3. I thought Froyo will also comes with Flash mobile 10 to enable the browser to display flash content?

  4. will this be applicable to milestone as well??? or will doing so brick my milestone??

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