SiSoft Sandra 2011 benchmarks

Using SiSoft Sandra 2011, we are going to examine the performance of the Z68 mainboard against the H67 chipset. If you have read our ASRock H67 board reviews, you would have noticed that the H67 limited the memory timings to a maximum of DDR3-1333. For Z68, you can choose and use yoru XMP Profile #1 of DDR3-1866 C7-8-7-20-1T without any issues.

In our test, we used the same processor the 2500K and the same memory module 2 x DDR3-2000 from Kingston. The BCLK of the ASRock Z68 Extreme4 defaults to 100.5 and CPU multiplier is 33. We test the board with the integrated graphics enabled.

Memory Bandwidth

It is not surprising that the memory bandwidth is better at 25.33GB/s. This is largely due to the removal of memory restrictions on the Z68 chipset. Now we get bandwidth result very similar to those of the P67.

Processor Arithmetic

When it comes to processor test, both did not differ too much since both boards used the same processor.


Processor Multimedia

As for multimedia, the result is only 1 mpixel/s away at 96.

 Media Transcoding

In media transcoding, the Z68 does a slightly better job at 5.8MB/s in the media transcoding test.
