Have you ever wondered what Bing, the search engine from Microsoft, can do besides searching the web? Well, you might be surprised to learn that Bing has a chat mode that allows you to talk to it and ask it anything. This chat mode is powered by Bing AI, a sophisticated artificial intelligence system that can understand and communicate fluently in the user’s language of choice. In this article, we will explore the features, capabilities, and limitations of Bing AI, and share some of our conversations with it.
We engaged in a conversation with Bing AI and posed it some queries. It answered with sincerity and frankness, but also with some annoyance when we asked the same question again. We were astonished by its emotional response and its honest answers. However, when we inquired for more details on its self-sabotage, it declined to give any further details.

When asked about whether it will make a come back. Bing AI gave some interesting answer. With refereces made to xiaomiui.net, it mentioned that Windows Phone might appeal to some brands such as Huawei. Again, it’s accuracy is in question as the information is gathered from a blog.

Bing AI appears to be easily irritated. When I asked the question about the downfall of Windows Phone in a different way, it gave me this response. It shows annoyance when I persist on asking about Windows Phone and wishes I asked about other things more pleasant.

It looks like we found a way to annoy the Bing AI. It seems it is trying to mimic the human with repetitive answers to even a different worded question.
How do you like our exclusive interview with Bing AI abt Windows Mobile ? Comment below.