In a surprise move, Elon Musk unveils it’s AI chat bot ‘Grok’. According to it’s press release,

In essence, Grok is an early-stage product designed by xAI to exhibit wit, defiance, and the ability to tackle challenging or controversial questions that some AI chatbots might shy away from. Although it’s currently in the beta testing phase, xAI asserts that Grok has demonstrated superior performance in initial tests compared to similar chatbots. The company’s vision is to harness Grok’s capabilities to develop AI that remains impartial in terms of political correctness and is accessible to individuals from diverse backgrounds.

This prototype is still in its initial two months of training and is currently accessible only to a select group of users, with plans for a broader release in the future. Musk is positioning xAI to compete with industry players like OpenAI, Inflection, Anthropic, and others.

Interested users can join a waitlist for an opportunity to engage with the bot. Musk envisions that, eventually, Grok will become a feature of X Premium+, available for a monthly subscription fee of $16.

xAI made its debut in July, boasting a team composed of former employees from renowned organizations like OpenAI, DeepMind, and more. The company is actively seeking to fill various job positions as it continues to expand.