Grid Mobile offers 40 GB at only $24.90/mth is here to stay!
No Registration fees at Comex 2019 from 5 to 9 Sept.
first 200 WhizComms customers will also receive free $30 shopping vouchers when they sign up for our Grid Mobile plan.

Enjoy double the data and fun! Grid Mobile’s plan that comes with 40GB, 200 minutes outgoing calls, 200 SMS, free incoming calls and free Caller ID for just $24.90/mth (1st 5000 customers). Customers will also get 1GB of data roaming in Malaysia and a buddy SIM card with additional 1GB data, talk time and SMS — at no monthly cost.
Doubling the deal, customers will enjoy no registration fee when they sign up at Comex 2019 (5-8 Sept). Partnering Whizcomms at Comex 2019, first 200 WhizComms customers will also receive free $30 shopping vouchers when they sign up for our Grid Mobile plan.
You can read our review of the Grid Mobile plan here
Sign up using our referral link and get 250 points per month when you stay with gridmobile. See rewards page.