How to start a blog and engage your readers



Many users are now turning to Facebook to share out news and getting LIKES. This is one of the social media. Although it is fun, you aren’t able to control what is rebroadcasted over the internet. Furthermore your public profile can backfire on you if you ex-girlfriend starts looking you up on facebook.

Anonymity is still the preferred way to stay in touch with the mass public and get your information across to the internet.

So, it might be a good idea to start a blog or even a site for your niche. It can be a blog on entertainment, gadgets or even music.

So what are the advantages ? Well, you get invited to events meant for bloggers. In fact, these days PR firms running events love bloggers more than traditional media outlet. So, there is a potential that you might get invited to hands on the latest smartphones for example before everyone else in your country.

So how do you start a blog. Very simple, there are free hosting solutions out there. There are, These are hosted by them and you are somewhat restricted in what you can customise.

To have more free play in your design, you can subscribe to a web hosting service like Bluehost for a monthly fee from USD 4.99. Before you go ahead and subscribe, think of a good domain name that is easy to remember. Avoid using numbers in your domain name.They are throwing in a free domain name for one year and they provide one click solutions to install WordPress and forums for you easily.

Once that is setup, the next thing is to promote your site. The way to do it is via your Facebook or Twitter. Alternatively you can also start your own newsletter to engage your readers. Although web hosting companies provide mailing list feature, there are alternatives like Awber , a paid service starting from $1 that provides a lot more features like tracking and auto responding. It will save you a lot of bandwidth from your hosted site.

You are now ready to engage your users and spread the word of your brand new niche blog/site. Discuss in forum.

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