This is probably the best offer from M1 ever. M1 is now providing new and recontract customers of it’s following plans.

Say yes to more data with 5GB extra at just $5 per month on our Big Data Plans! Plus, make longer calls to your loved ones with 50% off all talktime add-ons.

Effectively, if you were to sign up a 12 mths mySIM 20, you can top up another S$5 / mth and you will get a total of 10 GB / mth for the next 12 months. Throw in caller id for S$5 / mth, that translates to S$30 / mth for 10 GB. It is not sure if an extra 2 GB will be awarded to those who port in from other telcos. If an extra 2 GB is awarded, that is 12 GB for S$25 or S$30 per month. That makes it the cheapest plan in town with no throttled speeds. It is even cheaper than Circles.Life at S$28/mth with only 6 GB data. You also get full fledge VoLTE, data roaming service (using local data).

If you go for mySIM 40, it will be S$40/mth + $5/mth, that translates to 15 GB + 5 GB (20 GB) for $45/mth. Throw in another S$5/mth for caller ID, it will be S$50/mth for 20GB, As for Circles Life it is S$28 + S$20 , S$48/mth for 6GB + 20GB (26 GB).

To sum up considering caller ID and free incoming calls.

M1 S$30/mth will give you 10GB data, Circles.Life S$30/mth will give you 6 GB data.

M1 S$50/mth will give you 20GB data, Circles.Life S$50/mth will give you 26 GB data.

So depending on your speed requirement, these two plans might be value for money for unthrottled internet access.

Of course, there are other plans from MyRepublic, Zero1, which offers super low speed after the 1GB and 3GB data is used up. ZeroMobile offers an unlimited data / voice plan at S$59/mth. The problem is MVNOs are that they are so new to the market and have messed up their billing many times. Some are like One man operation company with no support line to call. Service standard varies and if it works for you, that is great. If it doesn’t, it is time to look for an alternative.

  • M1 Caller ID is S$5/mth top up, Circles.Life free incoming call is $2 top up.
  • M1 is a 12 months contract, Circles.Life has a minimum of 1 month contract.
  • Circles.Life don’t refund you prorated amount if you terminate or port out on day 1 of the month, they charge you the full amount for the unused days.
  • Those with NTUC membership gets 10% discount to basic subscription fees, caller ID free and 1 GB free.