Pegatron engineers set up external company and profited from heatsinks sold back to Pegatron

According to udn news, 4 R&D engineers set up an overseas company. The engineers recommended the company set up by their accomplice to purchase the heatsinks at the quality and low price. For the 2 years, this external company is the sole provider for the heatsink materlal imported by Pegatron. Investigations reveal the 5 have colluded but they denied having commited a crime. All 5 were charged.

Pegatron engineers Huang (41), Hong (41), Zhang (37), Xu (39) previously worked at ASUStek in 2008 before transferring to Pegatron. Their job is mainly Research and Design, testing heatsink module’s quality and tracking.

In Feb 2012, Huang provided heatsinks to Liu using Huang’s uncle setup company in South Africa. They set up an office in Taipei and started importing. Huang later roped in Hong, Zhang and Xu to fund their ‘company’. Huang invested 3 million NT while the other 4 invested 500 thousand NT each.

Pegatron started importing from this company since Apr 2013 till April 2015. This is the only sole company that provided 90% of the heatsink materials. Total transactions amount to 30 million NT. As the orders were executed very swiftly, suspicion aroused.

The prosecutor found evidence of criminal act and all 5 were charged. The engineers were also fired from the company.