Benchmark using CrystalDiskMark

Our system comprises of the ASUS Z97-A USB 3.1 motherboard with an Intel 4770K Processor. We used the onboard graphics.
The memory modules used are 1 pair of Kingston 4GB Predator DDR3-2400 modules running XMP mode.

3 tests are run. In the first test, the device is connected to the USB 3.0 (blue) port. In the 2nd test, the device is connected to the CYAN port with the software set to NORMAL mode. In the third test, the TURBO mode is turned on using ASUS USB 3.1 Boost Software.

In Sequential reading and writing,  there is a jump of 37.5% from USB 3.0 to USB 3.1 and a jump of 55% from USB 3.0 to USB 3.1 Turbo. The 4K Read does have improvement over USB 3.0 but it is not as substantial as sequential read/write.

ASUS Z97-A USB 3.1 $159.99 (US)

ASUS Z97-A USB 3.1 £ 149.59 (UK)

USB 3.1 Accessories

USB 3.1 Accessories (UK)


usb 30 copy

 USB 3.0 performance


usb 31 non boosted copy

USB 3.1 Normal performance

usb 31 boosted crystaldiskmark copy

USB 3.1 Turbo mode