Update : chezalfredo a member of XIAOMI MIUI.COM forum pasted a screen shot of his router using TCPDUMP requesting for an answer.

This screenshot was captured using TCPDUMP of a xiaomi handset with no micloud or account logged in. It is apparent that it is communicating with various China IPs.

On the other hand, XiaoMi has posted an unofficial press statement on the VP’s personal Google+ page iterating that their company’s product do not transfer pictures or messages to their servers unless MiCloud is explicitly enabled.


9 thoughts on “RedMi Note alleged to be sending photos and sms to China servers secretly?”
  1. Worth pointing out that the user can just be an astroturfer (search for it). They are from Taiwan – home of HTC – who are in direct competition with the likes of Xiaomi

  2. Please read more about it here, this is not true: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Internet_Network_Information_Center

    1. aww it says , google removed cinic’s root certificate .lol that’s gotta hurt! :p stop suking chinese dik! xD they are bunch of thieves and socialist totalitarian scu mm!!

  3. i wonder why there people so idiot to believe everything ther read.
    There is no provacy problem, no more than Apple, Google, Microsoft.
    dont’ be stupid

    1. Chinese govt. is more evil than google, microsoft. dow you know every chinese firm even needs license to open a website!! fuck them ain’t got no freedom. you will notice they have to show their license number with their shit socialist govt. logo at the bottom of every site (footer).

  4. Sir, please learn a bit more about Android. You can replace the Firmware, replace the recovery, even the boot loader and nothing from the OEM will be left on the device, so a paragraph like “that surprises the tester is that even if you root the phone and flash it with another firmware, the background transmission continues” is simply not true. If you’re so sure that it’s doing what you’re mentioning, just install Titanium backup and freeze the app or remove the APK from /data/system or /data. Thats it.

    1. If you expect every tom dick and harry to do that then you are definitely not from this world. We all know what to do to absolutely stop an app from sending Private Data. But to hard code and making it really difficult to stop such an activity is definitely only a crooks job.

  5. I wonder why would anyone bother to buy a cheap phone that compromise privacy?
    Are you guys able to find the SAR rating of this phone? Is this phone EC and FCC approved ? How high or low is the radiation level?

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