In Singapore, we are already spoilt for choice with the number of MNO & MVNOs.
Other than the 4 MNOs – Singtel, Starhub, M1 and TPG, 2 sub brands Gomo (Singtel) and Giga (Starhub), There are another 8 MVNOs still in operation *
Circles.Life (on M1’s network)
MyRepublic (on M1’s network)
geenet mobile (on M1’s network)
Zero1 (on Singtel’s network)
Grid Mobile (on Singtel’s network)
VIVIFI (on Singtel’s network)
CMLink SG (on Singtel’s network)
redONE (on StarHub’s network)
It is refreshing to see that there are new players (ZYM) joining the MVNO camp in 2021.
Tomorrow, Gorillamobile will join the MVNO club and will run under the M1 infrastructure.
If you have been using some other MVNO’s data roll over serivce, you would probably unable to finish off your data even if it rolls over to the next month. In fact, most of the operators allow roll over up to 1 or 2 months and you still pay that monthly subscription for that allocated data per month.
Gorillamobile has a different approach. Switchback is their way to reallocate the unused data. Instead of roll over, it is converted into a GO credit which you can use it to ‘buy’ services on demand in the future. For example, you can use it to offset your bills, buy travel roaming data, buy more local call minutes, SMS or IDD minutes. The interesting option is that you can transfer this credit like how you transfer cryptocurrency to your co-workers, friends to use that GO credit to buy services/offset their bills.
Service-on-Demand model and unique SwitchBack feature powered by Blockchain offers a cutting-edge user experience for all your WFH/WFO/WFA needs.

Sounds cool ? So, how much does it cost and who are the target audience ?
*(defunct mvnos – ZeroMobile, VivoBee, Oya, Virgin mobile, PLDT)