It has been months since we spoke about RedONE MVNO. Leasing it’s network from Starhub, it remains the only MVNO left on Starhub network after Vivobee shut it’s operation and MyRepublic chose M1 as it’s new partner.

RedONE came into the market with a nice price plan which allows sharing of the data for data roaming and making calls to Malaysia. It makes it a true one number for two country solution. Unfortunately, the pandemic starting in 2019 has resulted lesser need for such a facility as international travel was somewhat restricted.
With the reopening of the land travel between the two countries, the Amazing8/28/38 plans will be a good alternative that allows shared data and voice calls whether you are in Singapore or Malaysia.
RedONE has to upp it’s voice quality to compete with SIMBA which offers seamless data and voice connectivity too by activating VoLTE and VoWIFI for it’s subscribers. You can now get crystal clear voice calls in Singapore or to Malaysia.

Currently, all MVNOs/sub brands on M1 and Starhub network have enabled VoLTE. Singtel’s sub brand Gomo and Heya have also enabled VoLTE except while this option is still unavailable on it’s MVNOs.
- giga (Sub brand)
- redONE
- Gorilla Mobile *
- Maxx (Sub brand)
- geenet
- Circles.Life
- Changi Mobile
*Gorilla Mobile is in the midst of switching it’s network from M1 to Starhub.