Forget about 200Mbps at $39, Singapore’s fibre broadband provider now offers the cheapest 1Gbps plan in Singapore. Costly only S$49.99 (USD 39.45) , it is the cheapest plan available for end users.

If you of were to calculate price per Mbps, MyRepublic’s plan is now down to five cents, compared with the previous low of 13.9 cents for each Mbps. The cost for each Mbps is 2.5 cents in South Korea, three cents in Japan and and 3.5 cents in Hong Kong.

MyRepublic is also throwing in some goodies if you intend to switch over. That is :

Free $100 Router Voucher

Free Home Fixed line subscription

Free Teleport Subscription – a VPN service allowing you to watch US movies online

No BitTorrent Blocking

The only thing to note is that you have to pay an a service activation fee of $58.
