Zero1, being the 3rd postpaid MVNO is getting lots of attention lately. It is unknown how many users are affected but there are users complaining that they are only getting 3G signal only despite it is sold as a 4G high speed for the first 3GB followed by throttled unlimited data.

Users gathered at facebook groups  and forums to vent their frustration as Zero1 apparently has no support telephone number to call. They only rely on email communications with customers and gave templated answers.

Some users also complained that they were getting strange calls which probably due to recycled numbers being issued to Zero1 customers.

Porting in also took longer than the stipulated 3 days and some were ported in the middle of the day bringing inconvenience to customers who has to hold on to their previous telco SIM with 2 phones or a dual SIM supported phone.

The telco probably didn’t anticipate the mass signup of the $19.99 per mth programme and they really need to buck up in the support of it’s customers.

Come to think of it, the first 3000 who signed up for S$19.99/mth are probably the beta users, probably troubleshooting for them. I think we should expect issues for the first few months and hopefully it will get resolved over time.

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